Sunday, March 19, 2006

My Beef with Public Restrooms

We have been having toilet issues at the house so I have been forced to use the dreaded public restroom alot more. I really hate public restrooms and try to avoid them at all costs. I have a bit of a germ issue, I never really noticed my issue with germs until I started working full time and owned my own space.

So here is my main issue with public restrooms-- the door. The door, what you use to enter and exit the room itself. Here is the thing- after I wash my hands the last thing I want to touch is the handle of the door to open it- for the simple fact that some people don't wash their hands! Now this could get me on another rant about how could someone not wash their hands but that's for another day.

Some places have it right where you have to PUSH the door to get out- therefore I can use my elbow or foot even to open the door and my freshly washed hands will remain feeling fresh for a bit longer. But then there are those places that have the door where you have to PULL to get out- sometimes they put a trash can near the door which is thoughtful because then I can use a papertowel to open the door.

Here is my theory: public restrooms should be like a hospital -- you don't want your surgeon after she/he washes their hands to touch a nasty door handle-- I think we should start a revolution- of demanding better bathroom doors! It really would cost that much- you just have to rehang the door with the hinges on the other side.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen an even better idea in some airports. Instead of having a door on hinges, the entry is designed so that you have to turn a corner before you're actually in the restroom. Therefore the restroom has privacy & you don't have to worry about icky doors!!

8:47 PM  

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