Friday, November 11, 2005


Everyday this week on my way home- down 33rd- I've passed this detour sign. At first, I wasn't even sure what it was detouring someone from- because there was no evident construction or large pot hole or considerably harmful thing for me to see. After a few days I noticed that it was the alley way they were detouring us from- which in my mind aren't really for driving anyway. But nonetheless, everyday at least twice I day I see this bright orange sign: DETOUR

So, because I am a visual learner, this word- has been stuck in my head all week. And then I thought to myself- this is how I feel now- Detoured. Off of my original path. At first I was mad about it- because I like order and knowing and planning. None of the things that have unfolded in the past few weeks were in my plans.

Today, though on my way home for lunch- again I saw that stupid sign directing us away from the alley- and I thought- That is what life is- a series of detours. And for me right now, that is what living life to the fullest will just have to look like- following this detour to where ever it may lead me, and if it leads to another than following that one. But one thing is for sure it is impossible to go back to the place I was.


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