Friday, February 25, 2005

Lately I have been trying to focus more on the beauty of life, words and the things that sometimes go unnoticed. Just trying to make an effort to be more reflective, more aware.

Things like :

The flower man-- he is a man that earns his living selling flowers (that he pulled from the dumpster of a florist) to passing cars on the corner of Waco Dr. and 17th. If you smile at him he responds with the most joyous and warm smile and if his hands aren't full- a wave. The other night on our way home from the gym there was a truck broken down near his corner. As we waited for the light to change- I heard him go up to the people peering into the hood of the truck and say- "Here I have a flashlight with me"-- that is beautiful.

2 old women driving a pimped out bright yellow Mazda 20 miles per hour in a 35-- beautiful ( and rather funny, while frustrating- the speed limit is 35)

the beauty of music how the words and melody are someone's expressions
the miracle of medicine and how is saved a life of a friend's small child this week
how much nicer the elevator ride is when the person next to you wants to talk
the wonderful voice of someone you love

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow love,
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is dout, faith,
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much
seek to be consoled as to console,
Not so much to be understood as to understand,
Not so much to be loved, as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
It is in dying that we awake to eternal life.
-- St. Frances of Assisi

May you seek to see more beauty today-


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Amanda,
I was just reading thru some of your thoughts and I am seeing alot of myself in your words. You articulate things SO well and I often find myself thinking about the same things in life that you talk about. It's so nice to know that I'm not crazy. :-) We continue to pray for you and Adam all the time and miss you both. I often dream about taking off to Texas to visit (although it's hard with a hubby and son to care for, but I can dream, right?) Take care and I hope we continue to keep in touch.

9:53 AM  

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