Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Something in the air

I have had such lack of motivation to write lately- but it seems to me "lack of motivation" has been going around.

Had a busy few weeks with visitors at Hotel Horton- it was great to have Jack and Lydia here for their quick visit and it was followed by a refreshing stay by Mat. I made my first completely homemade apple pie and it was edible. Work was busy for a bit and now it has retreated back to the painfully slow mode- sigh the joys of the financial world! I did actually cut my hair- and I love it- one of my rare good rather impulsive decisions.

On a much less impulsive note, my sister Jen got engaged last week! I say less impulsive- because I totally saw it coming- to me it was like they were already engaged. But now that it is official I'm stoked for her and David- and can't wait to experience this new journey with them.

Adam and I went to the big D last weekend to see Chris Staples- it was fun and I was so surprised that there weren't many people there. For the opening band there were tons of people and this band was so terrible- I mean truly painful- my theory those people must have been relatives and have no really appreciation for good music.

I also realized today that I love that little moment of weightlessness you feel in an elevator when it starts to decent. that's all I got for now...


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