Thursday, February 03, 2005

Safe 'Till St. Patrick's Day

.. Listening to a little John Mayer tonight. Adam is at some event at Baylor and we are taping the State vs. Carolina game- so I am making a point not to watch it until he gets home- hence - the Mayer. (no, we don't have TIVO or DVR- we really are taping it- oldschool)

The past few days have been rather soggy- but today- a glimmer of hope, the sunshine! Makes me feel like a new person. Work has been slow this week- but it's been nice to come home at a fairly normal time. It makes more time to go to the gym and still have an evening to enjoy. I think that my theme song should be "Everybody's Workin' for the Weekend." If I had to choose one - for my life right now-that would be it. At least between the hours of 8:30-6:00ish.

It's the day after Groundhog Day- do you feel any different? Yah, me neither. But it never hurts to ask.

Last night at the gym, Adam and I were getting ready to leave and there was this man next to us. He and his wife were getting ready to leave as well- then he put on this grey sweatshirt. But not just any sweatshirt- an NC STATE sweatshirt! Holy Cow! We quickly chimed in that we were State Alumni. We had a nice chat. crazy!

I unlike probably most people did not watch the State of the Union last night- I opted to watch part of the Duke and Wake Forest game and of course a bit of TLC's "While You Were Out." Figured I could catch the highlights in the paper or CNN if I felt to left out of the loop.

What's your theme song?


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