Sunday, June 25, 2006

I see that I have become a creature of habit- in that I blog rather irregularly. So here is another irregular post.

It has been so freakin hot here- at times there seems to be no way of finding comfort, other than seeking the glory of a public building or store that is very very well air conditioned only to be saddened by the fact that no you cannot stay there forever. I personally hate feeling sticky and sweaty and swollen so this leads to a higher water bill for us due to my need to constantly shower.

Adam and I went to Austin for our anniversary- we really had a great time. It was good for both of us to get away from Waco even if it was just for a short stint in time. We did lots of shopping and eating. My favorite place was this vegetarian restaurant- FINALLY! a place where I had lots of choices and they weren't all the house salad. And I got some white pants for work- which brings me half way to my goal of finding a white suit.

Last weekend I had another wedding- I just love weddings, seriously- maybe I just love love. Either way- it went really well and I have already finished the 1st draft of their album- mainly because it stormed that night and I couldn't sleep so I planned it all out in my head. I have also been thinking about finding some way to sell some of my other work (not of people's weddings work)- we'll see.

My other job was particularly stressful this week- I constantly find myself just drained at the end of the day and so frustrated that when I come home to my "happy place" it is hard to feel happy, hard to feel anything but just tired. This one lady I work with drives me insane- everything about this woman gets under my skin- there are times that I just want to push her or throw something at her. I know that this is partly what is wearing me out during the day. I have been there now at this job for almost 3yrs - for 3yrs this lady has been rubbing away at me like sand paper- and there is no end in site. She will never be let go and she is never reprimanded- I on the other hand will be called down in an instant because "you can handle it"

Patience was the first word I learned how to spell-- thanks mom. At this point I feel like patience is not rewarded- instead it has become partnered with frustration which of course I bring home with me every day at 5:30.

July 16th we officially get to return to our building for church. I am really looking forward to it- it will be a very happy day!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

our first hand at a yard sale together went pretty well, despite getting up way too early on a Saturday morning- everything else went ok. We got to meet some more of our neighbors and made more cash than I thought we would. The best thing was that everything we didn't sell went straight over to UBC for our garage sale there that takes place this up-coming weekend. So none of it had to come back into my house yay!!

Our friends Chris and Katie left this past week to jubilee in Georgia- that is work for Jubilee Partners and then in the fall they will move back to Missouri where Chris will finish school -- we had a very difficult time saying "see you later" but are hopeful that our time will pass quickly between now and next visit.

Our church should be back in our building soon which is exciting- and a long time coming. I got a chance to look around in there last weekend when we took our left over yard sale items buy- I found myself very overwhelmed. Things are the same yet very different- I think in a way it felt like ripping a band-aid off. I have not been back into the church since I went one afternoon to help Jana get nursery items out which was a very long time ago.

Part of me wanted to walk in and see everything the way I had remembered it and part of me (the part that loves home improvement shows) couldn't wait to see all the changes. It is beautiful- the same place- yet changed- vision that has come into realization. It may be hard to understand how a building could bring about such emotion. As difficult as it can be at times to be in a place even a beautiful place- once there cleaning the walls and sweeping huge piles of dust away with those who share the same pain the same joy- it feels easily like home again- with family. I eagerly await the day our entire family can move back into our home on Dutton.

Adam and I have our 3rd anniversary this Wednesday. So to celebrate I took Friday off (my first day off all year) and we are going to spend part of the weekend in Austin- I am really looking forward to just getting away even if it is just for one night.