Friday, February 25, 2005

Lately I have been trying to focus more on the beauty of life, words and the things that sometimes go unnoticed. Just trying to make an effort to be more reflective, more aware.

Things like :

The flower man-- he is a man that earns his living selling flowers (that he pulled from the dumpster of a florist) to passing cars on the corner of Waco Dr. and 17th. If you smile at him he responds with the most joyous and warm smile and if his hands aren't full- a wave. The other night on our way home from the gym there was a truck broken down near his corner. As we waited for the light to change- I heard him go up to the people peering into the hood of the truck and say- "Here I have a flashlight with me"-- that is beautiful.

2 old women driving a pimped out bright yellow Mazda 20 miles per hour in a 35-- beautiful ( and rather funny, while frustrating- the speed limit is 35)

the beauty of music how the words and melody are someone's expressions
the miracle of medicine and how is saved a life of a friend's small child this week
how much nicer the elevator ride is when the person next to you wants to talk
the wonderful voice of someone you love

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow love,
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is dout, faith,
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much
seek to be consoled as to console,
Not so much to be understood as to understand,
Not so much to be loved, as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
It is in dying that we awake to eternal life.
-- St. Frances of Assisi

May you seek to see more beauty today-

Thursday, February 17, 2005

I wish I had more to say... Life has been relatively uneventful. Or as my dad would always say "Same ole crap, different day" or something to that effect.

Adam's birthday went well- all of my secret planning paid off with a big surprise. I am glad it is over so I no longer have to feel like I am lying to him about things. V-Day was rather calm for us- celebrated early with a nice dinner on Saturday night at 1424- (which was so wonderful it deserves a moment of silence in honor)........... well done, then we went to see Sideways. It was good rather funny I thought.

Something slightly entertaining is that Adam and I just took this quiz that tells you how old you really are--- I was 30 ----- he was------ 17.

In other great news of new, I finally bleached our bathroom floor ( it is white tile - small white tile- and has never seemed white enough, or clean enough since the guy came to put up the crown molding in there) but now it is white! Hurray!! I am a bit obsessed about it really. We also got our tax return back and have managed to pay off some of our looming debt, very refreshing.

Tonight we went to a screening of "Invisible Children" it is about these children in Africa who are being abducted and forced to become child soldiers-- it has been going on for 20 yrs! Completely insane that it has been going on so long. We recently saw Hotel Rwanda in the theater and it was equally disturbing. The images and words just stick in my mind- what emotions they bring- all mixed, questions and disbelief. It makes me feel as though all that I hash through each day really is nothing- how blessed am I.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Safe 'Till St. Patrick's Day

.. Listening to a little John Mayer tonight. Adam is at some event at Baylor and we are taping the State vs. Carolina game- so I am making a point not to watch it until he gets home- hence - the Mayer. (no, we don't have TIVO or DVR- we really are taping it- oldschool)

The past few days have been rather soggy- but today- a glimmer of hope, the sunshine! Makes me feel like a new person. Work has been slow this week- but it's been nice to come home at a fairly normal time. It makes more time to go to the gym and still have an evening to enjoy. I think that my theme song should be "Everybody's Workin' for the Weekend." If I had to choose one - for my life right now-that would be it. At least between the hours of 8:30-6:00ish.

It's the day after Groundhog Day- do you feel any different? Yah, me neither. But it never hurts to ask.

Last night at the gym, Adam and I were getting ready to leave and there was this man next to us. He and his wife were getting ready to leave as well- then he put on this grey sweatshirt. But not just any sweatshirt- an NC STATE sweatshirt! Holy Cow! We quickly chimed in that we were State Alumni. We had a nice chat. crazy!

I unlike probably most people did not watch the State of the Union last night- I opted to watch part of the Duke and Wake Forest game and of course a bit of TLC's "While You Were Out." Figured I could catch the highlights in the paper or CNN if I felt to left out of the loop.

What's your theme song?