Today Adam and I, along with the Carney's served communion during service at UBC. I love serving communion- although sometimes I feel like I should workout before because my arms get tired while holding the plate/bowl/bread combo. Anyway....
I really enjoy serving communion because I feel like I am inviting everyone to come eat at my house- It is so exciting and almost emotional for me- to be able to offer something of such meaning to such a large group of people many of which are my friends whom I consider family- but also those I don't really know at all.
Having people over to my house is something I really enjoy- over for dinner is even better- there is something so beautiful about sharing my personal space with someone else, being able to serve them and make them feel at home. And, I, like Matt Singleton feel that lots of relationships develop over meals. This is why I love serving communion- for me it is like a smaller yet larger version of inviting someone into my home.
I also enjoy watching to see how people take communion- some people take large pieces of the bread while others barely any- how some couples come together and other separate- it is interesting to see how most people just keep taking from the one loaf even when there are 3 others- some people are big dunkers while others just dab. It is just such a great experience.